Through the Theory of Supply and Demand Law to Analyze the “Crack Down” Criminal Policy on Drug-related Crimes
中文关键词:  供需法则  毒品犯罪  毒品犯罪刑事政策
English Keywords:laws of supply and demand  drug-related crimes  criminal policy on drug crimes
Fund Project:
黄明儒 湘潭大学 法学院,湖南 湘潭 411105 
曾亚丽 湘潭大学 法学院,湖南 湘潭 411105 
摘要点击次数: 845
全文下载次数: 452
English Summary:
      The epidemic of drug-related crimes means the invalidation of “crack down ”policy on drug-related crimes and indicates that the traditional concept of severe punishment is not applicable to drug-related crimes.To solve the problem of drug-related crimes ,we need to get rid of the shackle of traditional legal analysis methods and adopt a new perspective and method to explore the causes and operating mechanism of drug-related crimes.The theory of the law of supply and demand in economics provides a way reference for exploring the causes of the drug-related crimes which has obvious marketability.Using the price mechanism in the law of supply and demand and the theory of elasticity of demand, the paper analyzes the operation mechanism of drug-related crime market .In order to control the drug-related market ,we should control the supply and demand of drug-related crime market and replace prohibition with control.
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