Thoughts on the Contagion Prevention and the Legislation and Operation of the Crisis Law System
中文关键词:  突发公共卫生事件  应急  立法
English Keywords:public health emergency  emergency  legislation
Fund Project:
周宇君 中南大学 医疗卫生法研究中心, 湖南 长沙 410012 
摘要点击次数: 1727
全文下载次数: 73
English Summary:
      After the outbreak of COVID 19, the laws and regulations related to public health emergency have exposed deficiencies in organizational leadership, monitoring and early warning, disclosure of information, material reserve and other aspects. This paper reviews the status quo of laws, regulations and administrative rules on the prevention of contagion and public health emergency. And meanwhile this paper in combination with the inadequacies exposed in the response to COVID-19 and compared with the mature foreign laws and management models, put foward somen suggestions on improving the legal system for the prevention of contagion and public health emergency from the following aspects of prevention of contagion, and emergency system, contagion classification, monitoring system and information disclosure, emergency reserve system, emergency measures and civil rights protection.
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