程静.基因技术、自然与社会失序 ——“敬畏生命伦理”视野下的《羚羊与秧鸡》[J].,2019,(6):102-108
基因技术、自然与社会失序 ——“敬畏生命伦理”视野下的《羚羊与秧鸡》
Genetic Technologies, Nature and Societal Disorder in Posthuman Discourse:An Interpretation of Oryx and Crake from “Reverence-for-Life” Ethics
中文关键词:  基因工程  社会与自然的关系  技术统治  精神贫困  敬畏生命伦理
English Keywords:genetic engineering  the man-nature-society relationship  technocracy  spiritual poverty  the ethics of “reverence for life”
Fund Project:
程静 南华大学 语言文学学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 
摘要点击次数: 808
全文下载次数: 384
English Summary:
      Oryx and Crake fabricates a dystopia post-human society in which the totalitarian politics of late capitalism is combined with technocracy and commercial culture. It delicately represents the complexity of human nature, the conflict between technocracy and individual wills, the nature disorder in post-human society, the spiritual impoverishment and potential technological risk for the public. Through the apocalyptic scenario caused by destructive genetic engineering, the novel artistically demonstrates man’s deep-rooted fear and desire toward modern technology. Sharing the author’s speculating on human future, this paper analyzes the phenomenon that the development of technological ethics lags behind the development of technology, with the vision that modern technologies operate in specific politics, culture, economic system. The existence of technologies is supposed to serve human beings instead of controlling human beings. And by the aid of “reverence-for-life” philosophy, this paper points out that the novel enlightens us to correctly identify ourselves in the interrelation of man, nature and society, to rectify the drawbacks of post-human society through sounder principles of life ethics, and construct “nature-centered”,“life-centered”and “poetically-dwelling” society.
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