On the Reconstruction of the Cultural Context of Traditional Chinese Medical Science from the Perspective of Discourse Studies
中文关键词:  话语  中医  文化语境  重塑
English Keywords:discourse  traditional Chinese medical science  cultural context  reconstruction
Fund Project:
谭晖 湖南城市学院 中西语言与文化比较研究所,湖南 益阳 413000 
摘要点击次数: 658
全文下载次数: 336
English Summary:
      There is an urgent need to promote the development of traditional Chinese medical science by the reconstruction of the cultural context in the new era. From the perspective of discourse studies, based on the analysis framework of history, identity and ideology, this paper analyzes the discourse of the group paying attention to health preserving by traditional Chinese medicine. The research shows that the elimination of the cultural origin of traditional Chinese medicine is one of the reasons for the marginalization of the status of traditional Chinese medicine; and the integration of body and mind, which originates from the traditional Chinese philosophy, is an important driving force for the de-marginalization of traditional Chinese medicine as an important basis for the shaping of the cultural context of traditional Chinese medicine; in addition, the construction of consumer social ideology impacts on the shaping of the cultural context of traditional Chinese medicine. Therefore, the path of reconstructing the cultural context of traditional Chinese medicine is to restore the cultural tradition, pay attention to the integration of body and mind, so as to publicize the humanistic spirit of traditional Chinese medicine, and reconstruct consumption.
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