The Experience of Sweden's Non-financial Defined Contribution and its Implications for China
中文关键词:  名义账户制  养老保险  制度适应性  效率
English Keywords:Non-financial Defined Contribution  endowment insurance  institutional adaptability  efficiency
Fund Project:
成志刚 湘潭大学 公共管理学院,湖南 湘潭,411105 
侯金阳 湘潭大学 公共管理学院,湖南 湘潭,411105 
黄栩 湘潭大学 公共管理学院,湖南 湘潭,411105 
摘要点击次数: 865
全文下载次数: 424
English Summary:
      With the deepening of global aging, Sweden has taken the lead in reforming the pension insurance system through the implementation of the Non-financial Defined Contribution, and achieved good results. However,China's implementation of combined account and fund raising mode in endowment insurance is facing a grim situation. There are problems such as low pooling level, implicit debt and empty individual pension account. To improve the adaptability and efficiency of the system, it is necessary to carry out institutional innovation. This paper uses the theory of system adaptive efficiency to make a comparative analysis between Sweden's Non-financial Defined Contribution and the current system in China. According to China's national conditions, it is concluded that the Non-financial Defined Contribution has institutional adaptability and lack of institutional adaptive efficiency in China.Therefore, we should optimize the system supply, promote the dynamic reform of the system,focus on the role of the informal institutions, improve the institutional adaptive efficiency of the Non-financial Defined Contribution, and establish a Non-financial Defined Contribution system for pensions with Chinese characteristics.
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