The Five Dimensions of “Heaven” of “The Four Classics of Huangdi”
中文关键词:  《黄帝四经》  天意  道生法  天道孕法
English Keywords:“Four Classics of Huangdi”  heaven-idea  tiandao law  the rule of law
Fund Project:
向达 吉首大学 法学与公共管理学院,湖南 吉首 416000 
摘要点击次数: 772
全文下载次数: 348
English Summary:
      Four Classics of Huangdi” is the classic school of Taoism. It dialectically integrates Chinese traditional culture with a rational spirit, and takes historical responsibility of “Taoism will be the world together”. “Four Classics of Huangdi” advocates “rites and emphasizing law”, stresses “law officiating with auxiliary rites” and builds a strong theoretical basis of “Heaven”. It abandons the former “Heaven”, deduces and advances “Heaven” layer by layer, and deeply explains the main purpose of its “case law and rule”, mainly from five angles of “Heaven” like the “day of nature”, “sky religion heaven”, “Days of Philosophy”, “the days of social ethics,” “Legal System day”. “Four Classics of Huangdi” is full of intrinsic natural law, lays the theoretical foundation for the construction of artificial law, at the same time it has an important inspiration significance for the “rule of law in China”of the current transition.
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