徐勤良.视野、距离与空间 ——哈代诗歌的宇宙意识[J].,2019,(5):87-92
视野、距离与空间 ——哈代诗歌的宇宙意识
Vision, Distance and Space
中文关键词:  哈代  诗歌  宇宙意识  视觉  空间
English Keywords:Thomas Hardy  poetry  cosmic consciousness  vision  space
Fund Project:
徐勤良 福建师范大学福清分校 外国语学院, 福建 福州 350300 
摘要点击次数: 827
全文下载次数: 355
English Summary:
      Cosmic consciousness is an important traditional consciousness in British literature. Although the cosmic consciousness of Thomas Hardy has recently been discussed at home and abroad, literary criticism almost only focus on his novels and hardly on his poetical works. Based on intensive reading and historical exploration of Thomas Hardy’s poetical works, short poems and The Dynasts, this paper witnesses the plentiful cosmic consciousness produced from the earth-down-up perspective, roaming-into-universe perspective, and universe-up-down perspective. In the vision, distance and space developed by his cosmic consciousness, Thomas Hardy ponders over themes closely related to humanity, such as life, love, fate and war, and transfers his cosmic consciousness into the life consciousness about the living of human beings in the universe. Instinctively, Thomas Hardy’s cosmic consciousness is a humanism consciousness.
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