Research on a New Industrial Innovation Ecosystem Based on Knowledge Sharing
中文关键词:  知识共享  产业创新生态系统  科大讯飞
English Keywords:knowledge sharing  industrial innovation ecosystem  iFLYTEK
Fund Project:
胡登峰 安徽财经大学 工商管理学院,安徽 蚌埠 233000 
张海朦 安徽财经大学 工商管理学院,安徽 蚌埠 233000 
摘要点击次数: 873
全文下载次数: 328
English Summary:
      Unlike the age of industrial economy, at the age of Internet and big data in which knowledge and technology are rapidly iterative, we need to re-examine the product and industry life cycle theory with technology development as the core. This paper takes China's intelligent voice industry as the research object, and the knowledge-technology-product as the main research line to explain the development process of basic knowledge to technology products in the industry. What’s more, this paper discusses the inner relationships between knowledge teams,core enterprises and related enterprises in the industrial innovation ecosystem by describing the process of transformation from knowledge experts to entrepreneurs in the case. The basic conclusion is that:In the development process of new industrial innovation ecosystem, the development of technology products will become more and more diversified. Due to the mutual integration and mutual support of knowledge and technology, the innovation content in the system will be deeper, and the industry’s impact on other industries will be even deeper, which reflects the unique characteristics and connotation of the new type of industrial innovation ecosystem based on knowledge sharing.
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