The Value and Realization of Defense-in-depth Principle in Nuclear Safety Law
中文关键词:  纵深防御  核安全法  价值  实现
English Keywords:defense in depth  nuclear safety law  value  realization
Fund Project:
费赫夫 南华大学 经济管理与法学学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 
摘要点击次数: 887
全文下载次数: 468
English Summary:
      Defense in depth is to provide multi-level and independent safety measures in order to improve the reliability of nuclear facilities and protect people and the environment from radiation hazards. In nuclear safety management, defense in depth is an important means to prevent and mitigate the consequences of accidents. Based on its important position in nuclear safety, the nuclear safety law takes it as a basic principle. Because this principle is used for the first time in Chinese law, there are some different views in the academic circle. So it is necessary to analyze its connotation and value scientifically. This principle has its unique value in the nuclear safety law and makes it concrete in the nuclear safety law, which provides an important guarantee for the realization of the purpose of the principle.
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