Aü Systematic Structural Comparison Between Chinese and English Fractional Numerals and a Typological Deduction
中文关键词:  分数表达法  结构比较  一般分数表达形式  分数特称  类型学推演
English Keywords:fractional numerals  comparison of structure  ordinary fractional numerals  special fractional numerals  typological deduction
Fund Project:
刘苹 中南民族大学 外语学院,湖北 武汉 430074 
摘要点击次数: 739
全文下载次数: 365
English Summary:
      Both Chinese and English have ordinary and special forms of fractional numerals. Chinese has only one kind of ordinary fractional numerals structure and other forms are abridged ones of the kind. English has three kinds, while the denominator of the first kind is a nominalized ordinal. Ordinary fractional numerals of the two languages reflected the consistent features of their cultures respectively. Numerical values of the denominators of special fractional numerals of the two languages are either small or related to bases. Special fractional numerals appear because of the following reasons:borrowed words from other languages; influence from other words within the same language and development of lexical meaning. The systemic comparison can be a foundation of a preliminary typological deduction.
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