Diachronic Investigation of the Status Quo, Problems and Prospects of English Translation and Dissemination of Shijing at Home and Abroad
中文关键词:  《诗经》  英语译介  现状  问题与展望
English Keywords:Shijing  English translation and dissemination  present situation  problems and prospects
Fund Project:
李广伟 福建师范大学 外国语学院,福建 福州 350007 
岳峰 福建师范大学 外国语学院,福建 福州 350007 
摘要点击次数: 1131
全文下载次数: 447
English Summary:
      Shijing is the treasure of Chinese culture, which ranks first in the Five Classics. So far, English translation and dissemination of Shijing nearly has a history of three hundred years. This paper firstly explores the status quo of English translation of Shijing diachronically at home and abroad. Then it analyzes its existing problems. Finally, the future research on the English translation is prospected. The paper points out that the problems of the shortage of relative research, the narrow vision and the lack of translation history study should be tackled with integrating the English translation of Shijing with the national strategy, promoting interdisciplinary research and developing a systematic translation history study. In this way, the purpose of improving the scientific level of English translation of Shijing and disseminating traditional Chinese excellent culture can be achieved.
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