Aü Comparison Between War and Love and Its Enlightenment to Ethics
中文关键词:  战争伦理  爱情伦理  正义战争论  人道主义
English Keywords:ethics of war  ethics of love  just war theory  humanitarianism 3
Fund Project:
王汝坤 重庆理工大学 马克思主义学院,重庆 400054 
摘要点击次数: 784
全文下载次数: 344
English Summary:
      Here is a comparison of the similarities and differences between war and love from the perspective of comparative ethics. The two are similar in terms of “ intrinsic mechanism and constituent elements, process, conflict between ideals and reality, and immoralism, etc.” However, there are great differences in “Group and individuality, emotional basis, persistence and development trend, etc.” By comparing these two seemingly different and simultaneously extreme areas, there is some inspiration for ethical research. The study of ethics should pay attention to the relative certainty of moral principles, the scope of application of moral principles, the historical and cultural aspects of moral principles, etc, and further thinks about the issue of ethics of war, and emphasizes the important position of the ethics of humanitarian war.
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