Formation and Development of Mao Zedong's Nuclear Strategic Thought
中文关键词:  毛泽东  核战略思想  形成  发展
English Keywords:Mao Zedong  nuclear Strategic Thought  formation  development
Fund Project:
张龙杰 复旦大学 马克思主义学院,上海 200433 
摘要点击次数: 760
全文下载次数: 409
English Summary:
      As early as the advent of nuclear weapons, Mao Zedong linked it to China's security and future, and gradually formed a relatively complete and mature nuclear strategic thinking. Fundamentally speaking, Mao Zedong's nuclear strategic thought was formed under the impetus of internal and external forces. This resultant force is composed of Mao Zedong's thrust to pursue the status of a powerful country and the pressure to deal with external threats. Mao Zedong's nuclear strategic thought has become more comprehensive and profound with the change of international political and security environment, showing the main characteristics of development and evolution from people's war thought to nuclear deterrence thought, from political and military strategic contempt to tactical emphasis, and from opposing nuclear war to advocating nuclear disarmament.
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