金怀梅.衰老之耻 ——库切《耻》中的隐性叙事进程[J].,2019,(3):107-112
衰老之耻 ——库切《耻》中的隐性叙事进程
The Disgrace of Ageing:Covert Progression in J. M. Coetzee's Disgrace
中文关键词:  库切  《耻》  衰老  隐性进程
English Keywords:J.M.Coetzee  Disgrace  Ageing  Covert Progression
Fund Project:
金怀梅 安徽新华学院外国语学院,安徽合肥 230088 
摘要点击次数: 953
全文下载次数: 432
      耻》是2003年诺贝尔文学奖得主J. M. 库切的名作,不仅助其摘得布克奖,而且自出版之日起便受到学界持久而广泛的关注。然而,迄今为止,所有已有的主题研究均聚焦于对情节层面的意义之多元性展开挖掘和探讨。而事实上,《耻》是一个具有双重叙事运动的文本,在情节发展层面的显性进程后面,还存在一个与之并行的隐性进程。文章将深入挖掘和剖析这一隐性进程及其所呈现的“衰老之耻”这一主题意义,从而丰富对主人公形象之多面性和复杂性的认识,同时有助于进一步加深对该作品的主题蕴涵、结构技巧以及审美价值的理解与欣赏。
English Summary:
      Disgrace is a famous work by J. M. Coetzee, winner of the 2003 Nobel Prize for literature, which not only has helped him win the Booker prize, but also has received sustained and extensive attention from the academic circle since its publication. However, so far, all the existing thematic studies have focused on exploring and discussing the diversity of meanings at the plot level. In fact, Disgrace is a text with dual narrative movements. Behind the overt progression at the plot level, there is also a parallel covert progression. This article aims to explore this hidden progression and its thematic significance of “the disgrace of aging”, thus enriching the understanding of the versatility and complexity of the hero's image, and helping to further deepen the appreciation of the theme implication, structural skills and aesthetic value of the work.
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