Aü Cognitive Interpretation of Discourse Attitude
中文关键词:  局部显性态度  宏观隐性态度  框架  隐喻  转喻
English Keywords:local explicit attitudes  macro implicit attitude  frame  metaphor  metonymy
Fund Project:
杨建新 复旦大学 外文学院,上海 200433 
冯锵 复旦大学 外文学院,上海 200433 
李平艳 复旦大学 外文学院,上海 200433 
摘要点击次数: 881
全文下载次数: 443
English Summary:
      The present paper tries to analyze the realization of micro explicit and macro implicit attitude in discourse from cognitive linguistics. As to the local explicit attitude, the overall event model of attitude expression includes three factors:inducement, attitude response and behavioral response. Different prominences are given to those elements when they are realized in discourse, and inducement and behavioral response are used metonymically to represent attitude response. Besides, metaphors are also involved in the following two cases:one is projecting the evaluation of a known event onto the current event,another is projecting features of a concrete entity onto the current one by lean metaphor. At the macro level, the discourse activates reader's cognitive schema and constructs the macro implicit attitude of the discourse. The macro implicit attitudes of discourse and local explicit attitudes expressed by lexical grammatical resources may have three dominant relationships:consistent, local explicit attitudes are missing, and macro implicit attitudes suppress the local explicit attitudes.
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