The Propaganda and Mobilization of the Kuomintang in Dabie Mountains Base Area During the Anti-Japanese War
中文关键词:  抗战  新桂系  大别山敌后根据地  宣传
English Keywords:the Anti-Japanese War  the New Guangxi clique  the base area behind the enemy in Dabie Mountains  propaganda
Fund Project:
何孔蛟 安庆师范大学 人文与社会学院,安徽 安庆 246133 
摘要点击次数: 892
全文下载次数: 492
English Summary:
      During the Anti-Japanese War, the New Guangxi clique ruled Anhui and established the enemy rear base area of Dabie Mountain, with Lihuang County in the west of Anhui as the core and Anhui Kuomintang-controlled area as the main body. In order to mobilize the masses to resist the war and consolidate their own rule, the New Guangxi clique carried out various forms of propaganda work in the war of resistance against Japan. With the change of political and military environment, the organizational structure and central content of propaganda work had changed obviously, and the control of propaganda work had been strengthened day by day. The propaganda work of t the New Guangxi clique in the base area behind the enemy in Dabie Mountains had gone through the process from administrative domination to integration into Party governance, reflecting the changes in the relationship between the New Guangxi clique and the Kuomintang Central Committee and the Communist Party, and reflecting the consolidation of the status of the New Guangxi clique and the continuous strengthening of Party governance.
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