Contrastive Analysis of Supply Chain Decision Model Considering Advertising Input Under Different Sales Strategies
中文关键词:  Stackelberg博弈  决策  预售  广告
English Keywords:Stackelberg Game  decision making  advance selling  advertisement
Fund Project:
胡钢 安徽工业大学 管理科学与工程学院,安徽 马鞍山 243032 
秦培培 安徽工业大学 管理科学与工程学院,安徽 马鞍山 243032 
摘要点击次数: 1030
全文下载次数: 476
English Summary:
      This paper studies the model of agricultural product supply chain system composed of farmer producers and online retailers. Firstly, a decision-making model of agricultural product supply chain under single on-the-spot strategy and mixed strategy is constructed, and the effect of advertising input on Supply Chain Pricing and profit is analyzed by Stackelberg game. Secondly, through numerical modeling and simulation, the following conclusions are drawn:The influence coefficient of advertising effort level on demand of agricultural products is positively correlated with wholesale price of agricultural products, sales price and advertising effort level of products. Wholesale price and sales price of agricultural products are constantly changing with the increase of this coefficient in two sales modes, and there is a critical point that makes the wholesale price and sales price of products in two sales modes the same. Advertising input cost is positively correlated with the profits of supply chain members. When the advertising input cost coefficient increases to a certain value, the profits of online retailers and farmer producers reach the maximum. With the increase of product advertising input cost, the profits of farmer producers and online retailers gradually decrease and then stabilize.
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