The Development Logic of Chinese Communists' Original Aspiration
中文关键词:  初心  社会主义  人民幸福  民族复兴
English Keywords:The original aspiration  socialism  people's welfare  national rejuvenation
Fund Project:
付国辉 武警海警学院基础部,浙江宁波 315801 
摘要点击次数: 964
全文下载次数: 460
English Summary:
      The original aspiration of Chinese Communists has its inner logic. From the May4th Movement of 1919 to founding the Communist Party of China, is the period of introducing the original aspiration. In this period, Chinese Communists stand upon the logical starting point of saving the nation, remain faithful to Marxist beliefs as driving force and choose liberating the people as their value orientation. From founding the Communist Party of China to founding the People's Republic of China, is the stage of cloving to original aspiration. At this stage, Chinese Communists think the country's future, develope democracy and found the country framework under the guide of the original aspiration. From founding the People's Republic of China to the 18th National Congress, is the time of remaining true to original aspiration. At this time, Chinese Communists face the problem deviated from the original aspiration, explore the development path compared with the original aspiration and establish the value orientation accorded with the original aspiration. Since the 18th National Congress Chinese Communists embark on a Journey to realize original aspiration. In these years, Chinese Communists add new time intentions to original aspiration, make the strategic vision for realizing original aspiration and realize original aspiration going hand in hand with that geared toward the struggle, the project, the cause and the dream.
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