Logics of Xi Jinping's Thought Formation on Inspection and Supervision
中文关键词:  习近平巡视监督思想  生成逻辑  从严治党
English Keywords:Xi Jinping's thought on inspection and supervision  logic of Xi Jinping's thought on inspection and supervision  tighten up internal management of the party
Fund Project:
宁曼荣 南华大学 马克思主义学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 
张璇子 南华大学 马克思主义学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 
摘要点击次数: 1012
全文下载次数: 471
English Summary:
      Xi Jinping's thought on inspection and supervision is an important component of Xi Jinping's Thought on Socialism with Chinese characteristics in the New era, which is the fundamental adherence to the inspection and supervision work today. Xi Jinping's thought on inspection and supervision is from the genetic inheritance of the self-monitoring by Marxist political party, from the absorption and transformation of Chinese traditional supervision culture, from the rational response to complicated realistic background home and abroad, and also from the institutional thinking in pursuit of standardized development. Clarifying theoretically the logics of Xi Jinping's thought formation on inspection and supervision is of great significance to grasp its theoretical source and connotation value correctly, and to play the role of “sword” in inspection and supervision fully, which will be helpful to consolidate the theoretical foundation of tightening up internal management of the party.
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