Thoughts on the study of the image of Zhu Zhi Ci Comparative Literature
中文关键词:  竹枝词  比较文学形象学  他者视域  审美话语  对话美学
English Keywords:Zhu Zhi Ci  comparative literature image theory  the other horizon  aesthetic discourse  dialogue aesthetics
Fund Project:
罗杰 文山学院 人文学院,云南 文山 663000 
摘要点击次数: 1038
全文下载次数: 636
English Summary:
      In the past 30 years, the study of Zhu Zhi Ci has become a hot spot, but the research field is still limited to the folklore of Zhu Zhi Ci , urban cultural value, ethnic history material analysis, and the deep-seated excavation and exploration of the aesthetics of Zhu Zhi Ci literature has not been expanded. From the perspective of comparative literature iconography, Zhu Zhi Ci covers the images of foreign nationalities from the Tang Dynasty to the Republic of China, including images of ethnic minorities, urban culture, Western wisdom and knowledge, modern women, foreign images and so on. On the basis of combing the image evolution of these images in Chinese local poetry, this paper clarifies the origin of the various images in Zhu Zhi Ci, analyzes the psychological appeal and the underlying writing of their cross-cultural communication, and explores an aesthetic discourse system with Zhu Zhi Ci, so as to construct aesthetic recognition from the perspective of the other in the development of Chinese modern literature. It extends the study of Zhu Zhi Ci in comparative literature and presents the aesthetic consciousness system of Zhu Zhi Ci dynamically.
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