On the Object Element of Crimes Target on Corpse:Crisis and Reshaping
中文关键词:  遗骸犯罪  犯罪客体  人格利益  社会秩序  法律伦理主义
English Keywords:crimes target on corpse  objects of crime  personal interests  social order  legal ethicism
Fund Project:
冯骁聪 湖南工业大学 法学院,湖南 株洲 412007 
摘要点击次数: 1267
全文下载次数: 528
English Summary:
      There is an undoubted consensus that the object element of the crimes target on corpse is the social order between theory and practice. However, such a “consensus” has caused those crisis as distorting the relationship between criminal object and criminal target, incriminalizing conducts which should not be punished and and destroying the legal order unified state. Starting from the legal nature of the corpse and the unified state of legal order, the object elements of such offence should be defined as the personal interests of family that belong to the category of civil rights of the individual. Based on the new definition of the object elements, the target of crime should cover all types of corpse that reflects personality interests for ralatives, act of perpetrating should include the basic types of infringement on personality interests, crime establishment should be on the premise of significant infringement of personality interests. There is no positive connection between the anti-ethical character of such crime and infringement on social order.So that ethical factors should be get rid from social order and the essential boundary between the anti-ethical behavior and disruption of the social order should be accurately grasped, thus to eliminate residue of “legal ethics principle”in criminal law.
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