The Implication of Marxist Methodology with the Thought of People-Centered Development
中文关键词:  人民为中心  发展  马克思主义  方法论
English Keywords:People-centered  development  Marxism  methodology
Fund Project:
范俊玉 苏州大学 马克思主义学院,江苏 苏州 215123 
摘要点击次数: 920
全文下载次数: 539
English Summary:
      The thought of people-centered development contains profound Marxist methodological principles, reflects in adhering to the fundamental method of seeking truth from facts, materialist dialectics, historical materialist methodologies and other aspects. This thought is a basic strategy established by the Communist Party of China to understand and respond the realistic challenges in the global, intra-party and national conditions in a realistic manner. It is a theoretical achievement by using the method of contradiction analysis method of materialist dialectics, the holistic thinking and the open and cooperative thinking. It is also a development thinking of taking the people as the main body and motive force of development, testing the development effect by the people, which is insisted by the Party in the new era.
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