The Research on the Effects of the Daoyin Yangsheng Gong Twelve Method of Health Qigong on the Physical Function of Elderly Women
中文关键词:  老年女性  健身气功  导引养生功  体质健康  运动素质
English Keywords:elderly women  health Qigong  Daoyin Yangsheng Gong  physical health
Fund Project:
钟袁源 江西中医药大学 体育部,江西 南昌 330000 
摘要点击次数: 941
全文下载次数: 510
English Summary:
      To verify the improvement of physical function and athletic quality of the aged women by practicing Qigong for body-building and guiding health preservation. At the same time, it provides theoretical and practical support for popularizing the “twelve laws”, and further serves to popularize the body-building Qigong and promote the development of national fitness undertakings. Using the experimental method, 30 elderly women were divided into practice group and non-practice group. In terms of physical function, systolic blood pressure was significantly decreased and vital capacity was significantly increased in the twelve methods group. In the control group, diastolic blood pressure increased significantly and vital capacity decreased significantly. In addition, on the index of lung capacity, the 12-method group was significantly higher than the control group (P<0.01). In terms of sports quality, the reaction time of the twelve methods group was significantly shortened, and the sitting body was forward flexion, standing with one foot closed, and step index was significantly increased. The index of sitting body forward flexion and step decreased significantly in the control group. In addition, the indexes of standing with closed eyes, step test and pre-flexion of the seat were significantly higher in the twelve methods group than in the control group (P<0.01). On the reaction time index, the twelve methods group was significantly superior to the control group (P<0.05).
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