韩宇瑄.如何经典,怎样存在? ——电子媒介时代文学经典存在方式的新特点及其反思[J].,2019,(1):93-98
如何经典,怎样存在? ——电子媒介时代文学经典存在方式的新特点及其反思
How to Become a Literary Classic, And How Does It Exist?
中文关键词:  电子媒介时代  文学经典  特点  反思
English Keywords:the age of electronic media  literary classics  characteristics  reflection
Fund Project:
韩宇瑄 浙江大学 中文系,浙江 杭州 310028 
摘要点击次数: 1021
全文下载次数: 477
English Summary:
      In the age of electronic media, the literary classics existed from sacred elegance to interaction. It brings new opportunities for the literary classics to spread and develop in the contemporary, but also leads the literary classics to the classic and marginalized concerns. The literary classics have the characteristics of interaction, visualization and fragmentation in the process of communication and acceptance, which further leads to the generalization of literary classics. This calls for us to clarify the standards of literary classics, adhere to the correct literary aesthetic principles, and make full use of the power of electronic media to bring new possibilities and interpretation space for the existence and development of literary classics.
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