Research on Default Liability of Pre-contract
中文关键词:  预约合同  法律效力  违约责任  主客观相结合说
English Keywords:pre-contract  default liability  the combination of subjective and objective theory
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摘要点击次数: 1020
全文下载次数: 658
English Summary:
      At present, China's current law does not make a systematic provision for the pre-contract, and the determination of the liability for breach of contract for the appointment contract has not been agreed upon by the academic and practical sessions. From the perspective of adapting to the existing rule of law environment in China and proposing a reasonable legal system, this paper selects the combination of subjective and objective theory as the theoretical basis of the pre-contract, and discusses the connotation of the pre-contract and the liability for breach of contract in the pre-contract. In the case that the pre-contract has already stipulated the liability for breach of contract, the liability for breach of contract shall be in accordance with the contract; in the absence of a clear liability for breach of contract, the judge shall analyze the subjective and objective levels to clarify the validity of the contract, then determine the burden of liability for breach of contract.
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