The Local Existence and Its Poetic Value in Su Shi's Poems
中文关键词:  苏轼诗词  地方性  地理批评  诗学价值
English Keywords:Su Shi's poetry  place  geographical criticism  poetic value
Fund Project:
邹建军 华中师范大学 文学院,湖北 武汉 430070 
摘要点击次数: 990
全文下载次数: 562
English Summary:
      Su Shi's poetry is a highly personalized existence, and is also an existence with a world-wide influence. This personalization comes from the features of the place where the poet was at different stages of his life, besides from the poet's ego. In Su Shi's poetry, the place is mainly embodied in four aspects, the poet's ego, the poet's thought, nature and humanities in his poems, which have important relations with the names of different places in his poems. The place in Su Shi's poetry comes from the places he visited, his own sensitivity toward nature, his deep sense of geography, his artistic construction of time and space in poems as well. The place in Su Shi's poetry is of important poetic significance and enlightenment for the contemporary poetic writing.
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