袁艳玲,刘嫦.阐释学翻译视阈下老舍作品中本源概念翻译策略研究 ——基于《二马》汉英双语平行语料库的个案分析[J].,2018,(6):111-115
阐释学翻译视阈下老舍作品中本源概念翻译策略研究 ——基于《二马》汉英双语平行语料库的个案分析
On the Translation Strategies of Alien Sources in Lao She's Works from the Perspective of Hermeneutic Translation Theory
中文关键词:  本源概念  语料库  阐释学翻译理论  翻译策略
English Keywords:alien sources  corpus  Hermeneutic Translation Theory  translation strategies
Fund Project:
袁艳玲 南华大学 语言文学学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 
刘嫦 南华大学 语言文学学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 
摘要点击次数: 770
全文下载次数: 536
English Summary:
      Focusing on the analysis of alien sources in the self-compiled Chinese-English bilingual parallel corpus of Er Ma and its English version, this thesis attempts to investigate the distribution and translating strategies of alien sources, and explore how translation strategies are applied to successfully transmit the information of alien sources on the basis of the Hermeneutic Translation Theory. The research shows that the translator is supposed to bring his subjective initiative into full play, profoundly understand the cultural meaning of alien sources and the intention of original author, and appropriately choose one or more strategies to interpret the alien sources so that the best translation can be achieved.
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