On Translation of Chinese Verbal Humor Based on a Chinese-English Bilingual Parallel Corpus
中文关键词:  言语幽默概论及其延伸理论  语料库  言语幽默  翻译策略  《李家庄的变迁》
English Keywords:the General Theory of Verbal Humor and its Extended Theory  corpus  Verbal Humor  translation strategies  Changes in Li Village
Fund Project:
蒋柿红 南华大学 语言文学学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 
戈玲玲 南华大学 语言文学学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 
摘要点击次数: 873
全文下载次数: 547
English Summary:
      Taking Changes in Li Village and its English version as the data sources, this paper aims to explore the features of transformation models and the translation strategies of Chinese verbal humor with rhetorical devices based on a Chinese-English bilingual parallel corpus from the perspective of the General Theory of verbal humor and its Extended Theory. Systematic analysis of the data shows that when it comes to Chinese verbal humor with rhetorical devices, three transformation models are used, namely, homo-transformation, hetero-transformation and zero transformation, among which homo-transformation is the most widely used one, zero transformation ranks the second and hetero-transformation serves as the last. The conclusion can be drawn from the study that four translation strategies are adopted when translating Chinese verbal humor with rhetorical devices, namely, literal translation, free translation, omission, and substitution. And the translation strategies would directly affect the existence of parameters in the target text, and have an impact on the conveying of humorous effect. Therefore, successful generation and interpretation of the Chinese verbal humor depend largely on the choice of translation strategies, which confirms that the Extended Theory plays a significant role in guiding the C-E translation of Chinese verbal humor.
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