曾俊.劳动何以可能 ——马克思对劳动问题的本体论反思[J].,2018,(6):67-74
劳动何以可能 ——马克思对劳动问题的本体论反思
How Can Labour be Possible?
中文关键词:  本体论  时间性劳动  空间性劳动  对象性劳动  非对象性劳动
English Keywords:ontology  temporal labor  spatial labor  object labor  non-objective labor
Fund Project:
曾俊 云南民族大学 政治与公共管理学院,云南 昆明 650500 
摘要点击次数: 1042
全文下载次数: 490
English Summary:
      Ontology is not only a critical reflection on the possibility of “being”, but also a transcendental understanding of reality.In modern times, philosophers have carried out critical philosophical reflections on labor as a category of “modern society”. On the basis of the achievements of his predecessors, Marx creatively answered the ontological issue of “how is labor possible”. His historical and dialectical criticism breaks through the abstract understanding of labor in classical political economy. At the same time, it uses political economy to study the empirical and scientific nature and overcomes the idealistic interpretation of the essence of labor in Hegel's philosophy. Thus, the ontological reflection on labor issues has been realized in the perspective of materialism, and the implication of “human liberation” has been endowed in the criticism of political economy.
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