Analysis of the Measurement and Influencing Factors of Domestic Value-added in China's Exports of High-tech Manufacturing
中文关键词:  高技术制造业  出口的国内增加值  出口的国内增加值率  技术创新  国际分工地位
English Keywords:high-tech manufacturing  domestic value-added in China's exports  measurement  influencing factors
Fund Project:
冯晓华 湖北大学 商学院,湖北 武汉 430062 
陈岚 湖北大学 商学院,湖北 武汉 430062 
骆哲翀 湖北大学 商学院,湖北 武汉 430062 
摘要点击次数: 872
全文下载次数: 578
English Summary:
      This paper calculates the domestic value-added in China's exports of high-tech manufacturing using the multinational input-output data in WIOD database during the period of 1995-2011 based on the measurement of Koopman et al.(2012). During the observation period, the scale of trade increased by 17 times, but decreased by 25% measured by the domestic value added rate of exports. Empirical research shows that the main driving force for the increase of domestic added value of China's high-tech manufacturing exports still comes from the scale economy and comparative advantage, with their contribution rates reaching 75% and 41% respectively. But the promotion role of technological innovation is still very limited, with the contribution rate being only 4%. Inversely, the position in global value chain significantly decreases it.
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