Research on the Relationship between Buzzwords of China's Forty Years of Reform and Opening-up with the Transformation of Right of Discourse
中文关键词:  改革开放  社会流行语  文化话语权  变迁  话语实践
English Keywords:reform and opening-up  buzzword  right of discourse transformation  discourse practice
Fund Project:
李京丽 成都大学 文学与新闻传播学院,四川 成都 610106 
摘要点击次数: 1050
全文下载次数: 496
English Summary:
      Buzzwords are the signs and metaphor of social culture, which record Chinese contemporary history and reformation. The buzzwords transformation of China's forty years of reform and opening-up, regardless of encoder or the media and the content selection or the decoder, means the change of right of culture discourse from the authority to civilian, from authorative media to internet. The transformation of right of discourse brings big challenges to the social management and the ideological sphere. However, the transformation has only created a new discourse space of public on the background of internet technology and media reformation, not broke the original structure. Managers should do something such as holding the trend of social practice which is hidden in discourse practice, and putting discourse into practice following the will of the people.
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