Both Use and Prevention:On the Relationship Between Shi Miyuan and the Family of Zhao in Hengshan
中文关键词:  赵方  史弥远  荆湖  衡山
English Keywords:Zhao Fang  Shi Miyuan  Jing Hu  Hengshan
Fund Project:
李超 湖南省社会科学院 历史文化研究所,湖南 长沙 410003 
摘要点击次数: 877
全文下载次数: 556
English Summary:
      The Rise of Zhao Family in Jiading Period of Southern Song Dynasty,on the one hand is based on Zhao's own outstanding talen,on the other hand, it is due to its close relationship with the Prime Minister Shi Miyuan. Official history books for the purpose of the taboo for the Sage, deliberately played down the role of Shi Miyuan in the rise of the Zhao family. With Shi Miyuan's support, Zhao took over Jinghu for as long as seven years and became the firm implementer of Shi Miyuan's policy. It is an important tool for Shi's control over the place. However, Zhao Fang's long-term operation in Jinhu also caused Shi Miyuan's vigilance. After Zhao Fang died, Shi Miyuan moved his two sons Zhao Fan, Zhao Kui and many other deployments away from Jinhu, eliminating the foundation of the Zhao family. Shi Miyuan's appointment and control of the Zhao clan reflects the distinctive features of both use and defense. In addition, the appointment of Zhao Fang shows that Shi Miyuan has employed cronyism as well as selection and appointment. This is an important reason why he can handle the power for 26 years.
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