On the Writing of Life Consciousness in Lu Xun's and Cao Yu's Works
中文关键词:  鲁迅  曹禺  生命意识  书写
English Keywords:Lu Xun  Cao Yu  Life Consciousness  Writing
Fund Project:
刘玉芳 南华大学 语言文学学院 湖南 衡阳 421001 
杨婧加 南华大学 语言文学学院 湖南 衡阳 421001 
摘要点击次数: 1046
全文下载次数: 589
English Summary:
      Life consciousness is an important topic in the study of modern literature. As the leading writers in the history of modern literature, both Lu Xun and Cao Yu have made outstanding achievements. In the era of Chinese social transition from the old to the new, Lu Xun’s life consciousness mainly focused on the “national bad habits”. In the process of criticizing and dissecting the people, he not only reflected but also had a strong tragic and deep sense of loneliness or even desperation. However, he still refused to give up some hope in despair. As time went by, the people criticized by Lu Xun gradually awakened and began to think and struggle about their own predicament. Against this backdrop, Cao Yu’s thinking angle changed accordingly.Turning from the “awakening” and “criticism” of Lu Xun to “exploration”, he focused his attention on “people” and explored their desire for spiritual freedom. Consequently, his life consciousness was more reflected on people's pursuit and struggle for freedom. Different from other writers who directly sigh and appeal in the article, Lu Xun’s and Cao Yu's works reveal a huge sense of compassion in a indirect way.
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