On Application of the Combination of Arbitration and Mediation in Resolution of Commercial Dispute in “the Belt and Road”
中文关键词:  一带一路  商事纠纷  仲调结合  商事仲裁  商事调解
English Keywords:the Belt and Road  commercial disputes  the Combination of Arbitration and Mediation  commercial arbitration commercial mediation
Fund Project:
胡军辉 湘潭大学 法学院,湖南 湘潭 411100 
赵毅宇 湘潭大学 法学院,湖南 湘潭 411100 
摘要点击次数: 1109
全文下载次数: 595
English Summary:
      According to the distinctive features of the “the Belt and Road” commercial disputes, its dispute settlement system should meet the needs of flexible and diversified forms, strong consensus, convenient cross-border implementation, and high professional level. As a compound dispute resolution method, the advantages that the Combination of Arbitration and Mediation possesses, compared to itigation, commercial arbitration and commercial mediation, can further meet the above requirements. At present, there are mainly two modes of practice:“first arbitration after mediation” and “first mediation after arbitration”. In order to optimize the application of the Combination of Arbitration and Mediation in the “the Belt and Road” commercial dispute resolution, we should enrich its forms and set up concrete operation rules, strengthen the construction of organization and the cultivation of talents, fully endow the parties with the right of choice to overcome the procedural questioning, perfect the relief mechanism for consequences resulting from false arbitration and mediation, establish the multilateral treaties, admit reciprocal relations to optimize Cross-border implementation and so on.
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