The Opportunity, Challenge and Path Choice of China's Commercial Mediation in the Development of the Belt and Road
中文关键词:  一带一路  商事调解  商事争议  国际化
English Keywords:the Belt and Road  commercial mediation  commercial disputes  internationalization
Fund Project:
廖永安 湘潭大学 法学院,湖南 湘潭411105 
段明 湘潭大学 法学院,湖南 湘潭411105 
摘要点击次数: 1110
全文下载次数: 710
English Summary:
      Commercial mediation has become a popular way to resolve international commercial disputes because of its unique advantages such as substantial and efficient dispute resolution and friendly relations. In the face of the growing and increasingly pluralistic trend of demand for commercial disputes along the countries of the road, the state timely promulgated the views on the establishment of the settlement mechanism and institutions of the international commercial disputes, which provided a great opportunity for the development of “B&R” commercial mediation. However, it is undeniable that the current development of the “B&R” commercial mediation still faces many practical challenges. Only by taking the direction of joint construction and sharing as the direction, reinventing the basic concepts and basic principles of the “B&R” commercial mediation, and cultivating a modern international commercial mediation organization, establishing an international business mediation professional team and clarifying the implementation mechanism of commercial mediation agreements and constructing an international commercial mediation credit system can we effectively cope with the realistic challenges of developing the “B&R” commercial mediation.
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