The Analysis of the Compatible Nature Between Risk Point and Control Method of Revenue and Expenditure in Colleges and Universities
中文关键词:  高校  收支业务  契合性  内部控制
English Keywords:colleges and universities  revenue and expenditure  conformity  internal control
Fund Project:
曹文明 湖南工学院 财务处,湖南 衡阳 421002 
摘要点击次数: 937
全文下载次数: 585
English Summary:
      With the expansion of the scale of running a university and the surge in the collection and payment of funds, the internal control of revenue and expenditure is particularly important in the internal control system of colleges and universities.In the process of analyzing the internal control of colleges and universities,based on the analysis of the conformity of control points and control methods in colleges and universities, this paper improves risk control in revenue and expenditure business and strengthens risk prevention so as to provide guidance for improving risk control of revenue and expenditure business in colleges and universities and reducing risk control of clean government.
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