Loopholes in the Rescission of Labor Contract Agreement and Countermeasures
中文关键词:  协议解除  单方解除  漏洞填补  法律解释  利益衡量
English Keywords:dissolution of agreement  unilateral dissolution  loophole filling  legal interpretation  interest measurement
Fund Project:
刘珊 湘潭大学 法学院,湖南 湘潭 411105 
摘要点击次数: 931
全文下载次数: 585
English Summary:
      The dissolution system of labor contract agreement has the positive meaning of solving labor dispute, balancing labor relations and protecting laborers ' lawful rights and interests, but in practice,it is in complete "wayward" state because of the long absence of mandatory laws and regulations, which causes the abuse of the labor contract agreement by the employing unit.There are some defects in the existing contract rescission system in our country, such as the lack of the applicable elements of the agreement, the procedural norm of the dissolution of the agreement, the dislocation of the interests of labor relations, the vague expression of labor legislation and so on. To fill the loopholes of the termination system of labor contract agreement, it is necessary to clarify the applicable conditions and application situation of the dissolution system of the labor contract agreement, to set up the special legal procedure for the dissolution of the agreement, to insist on the principle of interest measurement and to standardize the expression of labor legislation, in order to guarantee the positive effect of the termination system of labor contract agreement.
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