The Impact of the Internet on the Export Scale of China's Central and Western Regions
中文关键词:  互联网  出口规模  中西部  面板数据  回归模型
English Keywords:internet  export scale  the middle and western regions  panel data  regression model
Fund Project:
詹晶 南华大学 经济与法学学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 
吴晓芳 南华大学 经济与法学学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 
摘要点击次数: 926
全文下载次数: 596
English Summary:
      The development of internet will have positive effect on export through reducing cost,expanding the scope of transaction, better cross-border payment,increasing competitive advantage.INTERNET+EXPORT should be inevitable choice in order to enlarge the scale of export in the middle and western regions of China. However, using panel data regression model,it is regrettable to find that the Internet did not have a positive effect on the expansion of the export scale from 2003 to 2015 in the middle and western regions of China.It's mainly due to the lag of the network infrastructure,low network popularity,slow process of enterprise website construction and shortage of talents.In order to expand export with using internet resources in the middle and western regions, the construction of network infrastructure should be improved, the network quality of internet users should be increased,E-commerce should be carried out wildly by enterprises,talent team should be strengthened. Only in this way can it make new ground in further opening China through links running eastward and westward, across land and over sea.
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