Evaluation on Innovation Efficiency of High-Tech Industry in Shen Zhen
中文关键词:  高技术产业  创新效率  Malmquist指数  深圳市
English Keywords:High-Tech industry  innovation efficiency  malmquist index  Shen Zhen
Fund Project:
陈俊 中共深圳市委党校 龙岗分校,广东 深圳 518172 
摘要点击次数: 1367
全文下载次数: 738
English Summary:
      This paper focuses on the efficiency of R & D input and output in the innovation process of high-tech industry in Shenzhen.Based on the Malmquist index model,it measures the innovation efficiency of high - tech industry in Shenzhenfrom 2011 to 2016. The major conclusions are as follows:Firstly,the innovation efficiency appears winding ascension and the TFP has a cumulative promotion of 8.45%;Secondly,in the level of industrial trends ,in addition to the computer and office equipment manufacturing industry,the other four high-tech industry of innovation efficiency maintained positive growth;Thirdly ,Electronic and communications equipment manufacturing and aerospace and equipment manufacturing industry are the leading industries which promote the innovation efficiency of High-Tech industry in ShenZhen.
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