Fortuitous Meeting:On the Reasons for Liang Qichao's Translation of the Novel and Its Influence on Chinese Political Novels
中文关键词:  梁启超  《佳人奇遇》  翻译  政治小说
English Keywords:Liang Qichao  Fortuitous Meeting  translation  political novels
Fund Project:
岳凯华 湖南师范大学 文学院,湖南 长沙 410081 
摘要点击次数: 1240
全文下载次数: 1040
English Summary:
      As the first author of Chinese modern political novels,Liang Qichao was deeply influenced by Japanese political novels. In 1898,Liang Qichao firstly published a translation of its own unsigned name about the novel Fortuitous Meeting in Qing Yi Bao founded in Yokohama Japan. Based on the original context of translation of political novels,this paper examines the contingency and necessity about Liang Qichao translation of this work,and from the nation-state imagination and ethos of the formation preliminary discusses the translation for the influence on the Qing dynasty political novels.
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