Evolution of Powerful Nuclear Industry in Aeroamphibious Parallel
中文关键词:  核大国  核强国  华龙一号  海陆空并进  后处理核燃料循环  核安全与核应急  军民深度融合战略
English Keywords:nuclear industries  strategy of civil-military integration  aeroamphibious development  Hualong-One reactor  High-Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor (HTGR)  nuclear safety and nuclear emergency  circulation of nuclear fuel in post-process
Fund Project:
任德曦 南华大学 经济管理学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 
胡泊 南华大学 经济管理学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 
任伟 南华大学 经济管理学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 
摘要点击次数: 1672
全文下载次数: 1098
English Summary:
      The thesis illustrates the background,plans,strategy,and aeroamphibious civil-military integration development of powerful nuclear industry.It describes the top-level design of China's nuclear power,analyzes the background of international nuclear development and puts forward the development direction of ten nuclear industries.China has been in the rank of big country of nuclear power.The number of nuclear power stations being constructed and in-service is in the third place of the world.However,nuclear power accounts for a small share in domestic energy utilization and electricity generation.Therefore,it is a challenging task for China to become a big powerful nation in nuclear.The actions should be taken ASAP to break the dilemma padded the short board of nuclear industry in order to boost China's nuclear power with aeroamphibious development.First of all,the setup and operation of 58 million kilowatt nuclear electricity should be finished safely and sufficiently by 2020.The layout and initialization of 30 million kilowatt nuclear electricity under construction follows on to be performed.More advanced nuclear submarines should be built.China's strategic nuclear aircraft carrier researched and initiated is essential to an effective nuclear deterrent.To solve the short board,a strong circulation of nuclear fuel in post-process has to be established.Second,a number of major projects will be implemented to advance nuclear science and technology.The construction of a Chinese-designed Hualong-One reactor leads the whole industry chain to go out to the world.The fourth generation demonstration fast reactor power station is started up as a nuclear energy systems engineering.Modular High-Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor (HTGR) is being built and will be put into operation.The research and deploy of various small reactor projects will be afterward on its way.Third,it takes further efforts to do the research of the replacement of coal by nuclear power,to fight against haze,to reduce carbon emission and to increase the supply of heat as well.The application of nuclear technology will be strengthened and be popularized in agriculture,medicine,scientific research and military industry.Fourth,to ensure the safety of the nuclear industry and to promote the upgrading of nuclear security capabilities,the system of the nuclear safety and nuclear emergency will continue to be perfected. Finally,the national strategy of civil-military depth fusion development is carried out.The formation of an all-factor,multi-field and cost-effective civil-military integration of the deep development pattern should be speeded up.Military and civilian alignment,taking responsibility to assume,will facilitate the development of the civil-military integration industries.
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