The Transformation of Theory of People's Character on Lukacs's Literary Thoughts
中文关键词:  卢卡奇  文艺思想  人民性理论  人学思想
English Keywords:Lukács  art theory  theory of people's character  humanism
Fund Project:
王银辉 河南大学 文艺学研究中心,河南 开封 475001 
摘要点击次数: 1202
全文下载次数: 647
English Summary:
      Lukács's is one of the founders of Western Marxism, and his relevant ideas about the people inherit and develop Marxist humanism. His early thought was complex and diverse, but had began giving attention to human existence because of the influences of some theorists such as Georg Simmel, Wilhelm Dilthey, Hegel. After the First World War, Lukács turned to Marxism in the loss and confusion, and explored the related issues of the proletariat, the masses of workers and the people in the revolution of the proletarian. In the course of the 1930s, Lukács gradually put forward and established his theory of people's character after systematically learning Marxism, combining theory with practice, pondering realistic theory, People's Front, democracy and other issues in the practice against fascism, militarism and other reactionary ideas.
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