The Measurement and Variation Analysis on Science and Technology Input-output Efficiency of Universities in China
中文关键词:  高校  科技创新效率  效率评价  时空差异
English Keywords:university  science and technology input-output efficiency  efficiency evaluation  space-time difference
Fund Project:
王辉 湘潭大学 人力资源管理研究所,湖南 湘潭 411105 
常阳 湘潭大学 人力资源管理研究所,湖南 湘潭 411105 
朱健 湘潭大学 人力资源管理研究所,湖南 湘潭 411105 
摘要点击次数: 1144
全文下载次数: 649
English Summary:
      Based on the statistics data from 2003 to 2013,DEA-BCC model is used to analyze the variation of science and technology input-output effectiveness of universities in China. It is also used to analyze the variation of Science and Technology input-output effectiveness of universities in 27 different province(Except Hainan,Ningxia,Qinghai,Xizang). The results indicate that only the S&T input-output efficiency in 4,5,2007 and 2010 is in non-DEA effective rate ,and others are in DEA effective rate. It is also found that the S&T input-output efficiency of universities in some provinces are in DEA effective rate,and the superior efficiency of universities in Jiangsu,Henan and Anhui are the top three. Other provinces’ are in non-DEA effective rate because of the problems such as the input redundancy and the output deficiency. This essay put forward some proposes to optimize the allocation of S&T resources,and raise the Science and Technology input-output effectiveness of universities.
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