Comparison of Theory About Good Between Nishida Kitaro and G. E. Moore
中文关键词:  西田几多郎  摩尔  
English Keywords:Nishida Kitaro  G. E. Moore  good
Fund Project:
徐瑾 湖北大学 哲学学院,湖北 武汉 430062 
摘要点击次数: 1081
全文下载次数: 661
English Summary:
      Good is the most important idea of Ethics. The study about good of Nishida Kitaro is novel. Comparison of theory about good between Nishida Kitaro and G. E. Moore involves three aspects. Can good be defined Nishida Kitaro believes that good is the unity of knowledge,emotion and will,and also is the realization of personality. Moore believes that good can not be defined,otherwise,this will cause a Naturalistic Fallacy. Can good be recognized They all think that intuition can be used to recognize the good,but Nishida Kitaro only emphasizes purity of intuition,at the same time,Moore puts the knowledge of good things into experience. Can good things come true Nishida Kitaro believes that individuals and groups can achieve a harmonious situation. Moore emphasizes the reform of hedonism is a good way to deal with practical ethical problems. In sum,the theory of Nishida Kitaro is a kind of voluntarist ethics with priori overtones,and Moore's ethics is a kind of intuitionism with empirical color. The comparison between Nishida Kitaro and G. E. Moore is significant to understand idea of good.
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