On the Theoretical Sources of Marx's View of History
中文关键词:  马克思  黑格尔  费尔巴哈  历史观
English Keywords:Marx  Hegel  Feuerbach  view of history
Fund Project:
王建刚 河南大学 哲学与公共管理学院,河南 开封 475004 
摘要点击次数: 1090
全文下载次数: 621
English Summary:
      It is widely accepted that the formation of any advanced theory can't be separated from its theoretical sources. This is true of Marx's view of history. Through the text analysis of Marx's classical works and the exploration of the theoretical approach of his view of history,it is not difficult to find that Marx's view of history is based on the criticism and inheritance of the positive achievements on historical views by Hegel,Feuerbach and the French materialists in 18th century,the classical politic economists,the utopian socialists in the 19th century and the French historians during the Restoration etc. The historical views of these traditional bourgeoisie thinkers naturally and undoubtedly become the theoretical sources of Marx's view of history.
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