Research On the Relationship Between the Government and the Market Under the New Era
中文关键词:  新时代  政府干预  社会主义市场经济体制  公有制
English Keywords:the new era  government intervention  the socialist market economy system  public ownership
Fund Project:
曾宪奎 中国社会科学院 马克思主义研究院,北京 100732 
摘要点击次数: 1067
全文下载次数: 771
English Summary:
      Under the new era,with the development of economy entering a new stage,the relationship between government and market needs further improvement,especially to solve the problem of excessive government intervention and vacancy and the inadequate functioning of market mechanism. To deal with the relationship between the government and the market,it must reject the influence of neoliberalism. In the new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics,it must constantly push forward the modernization of the national governance system and realize the transformation of government functions. At the same time,it should actively improve the socialist market economic system and establish a modern economic system,mainly including measures to eliminate market barriers,speed up the reform of factor market and uphold the dominant position of public ownership.
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