Aspiration for Ignorance:The Double Absurd in The Lifted Veil
中文关键词:  乔治·艾略特    《揭开的面纱》  存在论  他者
English Keywords:George Eliot  The Lifted Veil  ontology  otherness
Fund Project:
张秋子 云南师范大学 文学院,云南 昆明 650500 
摘要点击次数: 1003
全文下载次数: 613
English Summary:
      The Lifted Veil had been neglected for a long time.However,it is significant to understand George Eliot entirely when The Lifted Veil has been understood.This dissertation suggests that the reflection on science in the term of science-fiction as well as gothic-novel transcends traditional opposition between science and ethics and reaches a height about the lost and finding on identity .The novel just likes an allegory,signifying a process in which mankind is looking for knowledge but lost himself and the possibility leading to future when he finally becomes omniscient and omnipotent and a capture of others,which is a tragic process.The dissertation illustrates the deep reflection and precaution in The Lifted Veil.
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