张红岩,赵子琳,陈世丹.实验写作与传统经典的“碰撞” ——《敦亚佐德》的元小说叙事艺术[J].,2017,(5):110-115
实验写作与传统经典的“碰撞” ——《敦亚佐德》的元小说叙事艺术
Collision between Postmodernist Writing and Classics
中文关键词:  实验写作  约翰巴斯  《敦亚佐德》  元小说  叙事艺术
English Keywords:postmodernist writing  John Barth  Dunyazade  metafiction  narrative art
Fund Project:
张红岩 江苏科技大学 外国语学院,江苏 镇江 212000 
赵子琳 江苏科技大学 外国语学院,江苏 镇江 212000 
陈世丹 江苏科技大学 外国语学院,江苏 镇江 212000 
摘要点击次数: 844
全文下载次数: 527
English Summary:
      Dunyazade by John Barth,a typical metafiction,draws attention to the status of the artificial fiction.Metafiction is the fiction that refers to the fiction itself,cares the process of story writing.Exploring the art of narration is superior to narration itself in a metafiction.A variety of narrative techniques of metafiction such as exposure,parody,and regressive frames are employed in Dunyazade to rewrite the classics Arabian Nights,which is the collision between postmodernist writing and classics.The interpretation of the narrative techniques of the novel can not only reveal the Barth's concept of postmodernist writing,look for a form of novel that strengthens the relationship between the fiction and the reality,but also embody the consciousness of introspection advocated by postmodernist writers.
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