Metaphor Embedded in a Labyrinth of Work: Comparing the Work of Black Book with the Work of Jiuguo
中文关键词:  《黑书》  《酒国》  内文本  背景文本  隐喻
English Keywords:Black Book  Jiuguo  internal text in the work  external text in the work  metaphor
Fund Project:
柴鲜 盐城师范学院 文学院,江苏 盐城 224002 
摘要点击次数: 981
全文下载次数: 542
English Summary:
      The story written by Orhan Pamuk in the work of Black Book takes place in the city space of Istanbul where is to have been synchronized,while the writer Mo Yan depicts a fictional world that is to construct with imagination after abstracting highly the reality as the background of Jiuguo,and the imaginary city Jiuguo is “all merge in Mo Yans narrative melting pot” ①. These two works without the interchange of each others creation,however,take the similar story structure,namely,the structure of interweaving the work within the work and authors work,and forming a colorful labyrinth of work between the author and the character,the character and the reader,the author and the text. The labyrinth of works is built in the material world of the historical memories of the past and the contemporary blending in the present,and turned the longitudinal linear modality into the being of synchrony memories on the way of nested and parallel narrative. Generally,all of these embodied the common metaphor of criticizing the reality and the different prospect of the future.
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