Improvement of the People Juror Selection Mechanism
中文关键词:  人民陪审员  选任机制  司法民主  组织管理
English Keywords:people's juror  selection mechanism  judicial democracy  organization and management
Fund Project:
许林波 中国政法大学 司法文明协同创新中心,北京 100088 
摘要点击次数: 983
全文下载次数: 550
English Summary:
      As the premise and guarantee for ensuring the good operation of the people juror system, the juror selection mechanism should embody the spirit connotation of judicial democracy and realize the dual pursuit of judicial justice and efficiency. While, due to the imperfect people juror selection mechanism, the people jury system presented a series of problems in judicial practice, such as the selection way is not standard, the enthusiasm of participating the trial is not high, and the process of the application is unreasonable. As a result, the people's juror selection mechanism reform should break through the long-term unreasonable design actively by changing the original qualification, selection process and way, and be committed to the transformation of case random management mechanism and daily organization and management, and complete system transformation and improvement at last.
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